There is no shortage

// 0.635 min read

You don’t need to fear running out of ideas. You don’t need to worry about not having something to say.

You just need to learn the skill—and it is a learnable skill, which you can get better at over time—of getting out of your own way and letting abundance just… turn up. Trust the soup, as they say.

The funny thing about choosing between abundance or scarcity as the lens through which we view the world, is that no matter which one we choose, what we see in our reality will always end up matching our choice. It starts with our choice, and since either option will end up seeming perfectly valid, the choice then comes down to one question: Which lens is more useful to us?

Coby Chapple (@cobyism)

@cobyism—a.k.a. Coby Chapple is an autodidact, systems thinker, product architect, pixel technician, full-stack algorithmagician, multi-media maker, cryptography geek, aspiring linguist, and generalist Designerd™ extraordinaire. Read more »