Help me help you

// 2.16 min read

Now that my altMBA experience is over (I’ll be writing more about that soon), I’m going to be taking some time to reassess where I’m focusing with this blog and my other non-GitHub-work projects. To help me work out what’s next, I need your help. Yes, you.

Your mission today, if you’re reading this, is to send me a five sentence email. Today. Yes, you heard me correctly—I actually want to receive more email. Crazy right? Perhaps, but I want to hear from you, and other people like you, because I want to learn how I can more effectively contribute to your life.

Set aside 2.7 minutes, and write down a short answer for each of the following questions:

  1. Who are you? I want to know who you are, and maybe something else about you like where you’re from, or where you live now. Example: “My name is … and I’m from …”

  2. What do you do? Tell me what is it you do for work, what side-project your working on, or what your forte, passion, or focus is in life. Example: “I work as a … but in my spare time I’m also working on …”

  3. How did you find out about me? I want to know how you came across me and my work. Example: “I first found out about you by …”

  4. What value do you get from me? Tell me, if you can, what aspect of my work gives you something worthwhile. Example: “What I value about your work is …”

  5. What are you struggling with right now? Tell me about that thing you’re currently wrestling with in your mind. I know you’re churning away on something, and I’d love to see if I can help you find a way forward. Example: “At the moment, the biggest thing I’m struggling with is …”

Lastly, address your email to

I want to level up my ability to help people just like you do things that really matter. I want to reach more people, and I want to be a force for positive change in the world. Narrowing that down so a specific area of focus is important, but it’s really tricky, and that’s why I’m asking for your input.

This is an experiment. It might not work. I don’t know exactly what will come out of your email, but I promise that if you take the time to send me an email, I’ll read every word.

So please—help me help you.

Open up your email now, type five short sentences, and hit send. Who knows what might happen?

Coby Chapple (@cobyism)

@cobyism—a.k.a. Coby Chapple is an autodidact, systems thinker, product architect, pixel technician, full-stack algorithmagician, multi-media maker, cryptography geek, aspiring linguist, and generalist Designerd™ extraordinaire. Read more »